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Keep going!

Each new cycle invites us to project ourselves, to reinvent ourselves, even sometimes to rebuild our sens of self, but without ever forgetting the most important. Indian Smiles children must stay in the spotlight, more than ever. This is why we wanted to wrap up the year 2022 with an additional and exciting outfit: Indian Smiles' website comes finally with an english version.

Welcome English-speaking readers!

Thanks to the update of this media in English, and since the word "distance" wants to root for a while in our minds and in our lifestyles, we can now reach a few more good souls around this planet and always maintain a long-term link with the children, facilitate our communication, collect your ideas and of course your donations, safely and easily. 

The current crisis disrupted all our social codes, our ways of working and living. For some of us, the impact of these changes is daunting; for others, it's an unprecedented challenge in order to transcend ourselves and keep going forward towards further projects. While the situation seems never-ending to our minds, nevertheless, it is very often in periods of doubt and uncertainty that humanity reveals itself stronger, more responsible and thoughtful.

The limitation of our travels and outings temporarily prevented us from planning the events of which Indian Smiles was used to organise. However, our motivations to raise awareness about the most vulnerable persons, the children, remain uncompromised!


From March 2020, Indian schools were shut down for almost 18 months, with very stringent guidelines for reopening in September 2021. During the lockdown, we spotted alarming repercussions in the increasing number of school leavers, permanently speaking. Particularly for underprivileged children or those who could not access to the online school, for lack of device or connection. Our primary concern was: how to access to the virtual school tools whereas the families' focus sticked to find food and survive... Now there are further preoccupation: delve into The Washington Post article, published during the pandemic, and find out the growing concern about the most fragile populations, specifically young girls.


Thus the situation of the Indian Smiles' children is insecure. Your support for their cause is critical.

Let's stay active, supportive and committed.


How to make a donation?



Events to stay engaged 

Once or twice a year, Indian Smiles organises exhibitions, garage and designer sales or other one-shot events. Among the relevant examples, La Course des Héros, a running race for a charity cause. Check out below.

Each event is an opportunity to recall the children's story, give their news, raise awareness, and collect funds, which are entirely directed towards our proteges.



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